map of Texas

Resources and Tools

The Texas Industry Specific English as a Second Language Curricula (TISESL) is a comprehensive set of instructional resources designed to introduce beginning and intermediate level English language learners to vocabulary in three industry sectors: healthcare, sales and service, and manufacturing - and to employability skills in general. More information can be found at the Texas LEARNS Web page

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Professional Development

State Activities: Texas

Texas has a long history of providing quality professional development for adult educators in the state, including those who work with adults learning English. As part of their participation in the CAELA Network project, and in response to identified practitioner needs, the Texas CAELA Network team collaborated with the eight regional GREAT Centers to select topics and compose professional development offerings for use throughout the state.

Professional development planners in Texas have developed and piloted trainings for practitioners and for trainers on working with literacy-level learners. Over 50 trainers have been prepared to provide this training for practitioners across the state. The team is developing evaluation tools to determine the outcomes of the practitioner trainings.

The Texas team is also developing a guide and resources for teachers who wish to integrate employability skills into their existing ESL curricula.

CAELA Network staff members have contributed resources and expertise toward the development of Texas' training activities and are collaborating in the development of tools and procedures to document outcomes.

Professional Development Activities

  • Develop training for practitioners and trainers on working with literacy-level learners

  • Develop tools and procedures for documenting outcomes of the trainings

  • Develop a guide for practitioners who wish to integrate employability skills into existing ESL curricula

Desired Outcomes

  • Teachers and administrators working with literacy level-learners across Texas are introduced to classroom instructional strategies to meet the needs of this population.

  • A state network of trainers is in place to provide professional development on this topic.

  • Tools and procedures are in place for documenting outcomes of trainings.

  • Adult ESL practitioners across the state are introduced to strategies and materials that will help them systematically emphasize employability skills in the classroom.

State contact

Janell Baker
Assistant Director
Phone: (866) 696-4233


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