Deborah J. Short, PhD

Director, Academic Language Research & Training and Center for Applied Linguistics

Deborah J. Short (Ph.D., George Mason University) directs Academic Language Research & Training, a consulting company, and provides professional development on sheltered instruction and academic literacy worldwide. Formerly she was a Division Director at the Center for Applied Linguistics where she co-developed the research-validated SIOP Model for sheltered instruction. She has directed numerous research studies on English language learners funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the U.S. Department of Education, among others. At present, she is co-PI on the CREATE SIOP Science study. Her publications include journal articles, SIOP Model books, and several ESL textbooks for National Geographic Learning. She taught English as a second/foreign language in New York, California, Virginia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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