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BibliographyExcerpt from: A bibliography of modern foreign languages and special educational needs David R. Wilson*
Differentiation Bond, N. (2003) ‘Differentiating Instruction in the LOTE Classroom: Focus on Special Education Learners’, LOTE CED Lowdown 6(2), http://www.sedl.org/loteced/lowdown/letters_62.html Gahala, E. (2002) Differentiating Instruction: Teaching All Your Students. Online at http://www.phschool.com/professional_development/teaching_tools/foreign_languages/differentiating_instr.html Theisen, T. (2002) ‘Differentiated Instruction in the Foreign Language Classroom: Meeting the Diverse Needs of All Learners’, The Communiqué 6. Online at http://www.sedl.org/loteced/communique/n06.pdf IANSYST Ltd (n.d.) Dyslexia, Language Learning and using languages other than English. http://www.dyslexic.com/language.htm LeLoup, J. W. and Ponterio, R. (1997) ‘On the Net: Language education and learning disabilities’, Language Learning and Technology 1(1) p. 2-4. Online at http://llt.msu.edu/vol1num1/net/default.html Schools Integration Project on ICT and the Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages (2000) ‘Word Processing and MFL: Second -Fourth Class’ in The Use of ICT in Teaching Foreign Languages, http://homepage.tinet.ie/~sipmfl/leswpj.htm Schools Integration Project on ICT and the Teaching of Modern Foreign Languages (2000) ‘Word Processing and MFL: Fifth -Sixth Class’ in The Use of ICT in Teaching Foreign Languages, http://homepage.tinet.ie/~sipmfl/leswps.htm Wilson, D. R. (1997) ‘Accessible authenticity: using Internet resources with school foreign language learners in difficulty’, in Liddell, P. (ed.), FLEAT III, Foreign Language Education and Technology, Proceedings of the third conference, Victoria, BC: University of Victoria, pp. 449-462. Online at http://www.tomwilson.com/david/mfl/Fleat3/Paper.doc Wilson , D. R. (1998) Use of authentic Internet resources with school foreign language learners in difficulty. Paper presented at Language World ’98, Brighton. Online at http://www.tomwilson.com/david/mfl/LanguageWorld98/Paper.doc Wilson, D. R. (1998) ‘SENCALL: applying new technologies appropriately’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 10, pp. 2-5, 10. Online at http://www.tomwilson.com/david/mfl/sencall.doc Wilson , D. R. (1999) Applying new technologies appropriately to modern foreign languages, http://www.tomwilson.com/david/case/ Wilson, D. R. (1999) ‘Accessible authenticity: Internet resources for foreign language learners having difficulty’, The IALL Journal of Language Learning Technologies 31(1/2), pp. 59-65. Online at http://www.tomwilson.com/david/mfl/IALL.doc Wilson, D. R. (2001) ‘Building bridges to inclusive foreign language education through appropriately applied technologies,’ in White, J. (ed.), FLEAT IV: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology, Kobe: Japan Association for Language Education and Technology, pp. 84-90. Online at http://www.tomwilson.com/david/mfl/Fleat4/Paper.doc Wilson , D. R. (2001) ‘Applying new technologies appropriately to foreign handwriting recognition difficulties’, in Atkinson, T. (ed.) Reflections on ICT, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, pp. 41‑52. Online at http://www.tomwilson.com/david/mfl/Handwriting.doc Professional development Bell , J. (2000) French in the Primary school - a report on the Vichy course, July 2000, http://www.nacell.org.uk/profdev/training_vichy.htm Tedick, D. J. and Walker, C. L. (1996) ‘R(T)eaching all students: Necessary changes in teacher education’, in Wing, B. H. 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Secondary education Alison, J. (1993) Pathfinder 16: Not bothered? Motivating language learners in key stage 4, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research. Chrostkowska, T. (2001) ‘Egzamin gimnazjalny dla uczniów o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych’, Języki obce w szkole 7/2001. Department of Education and Science and the Welsh Office (1990) ‘Modern foreign languages and pupils with special educational needs’, in Modern foreign languages for ages 11 to 16, London: HMSO, pp. 76-78. Department for Education and Skills (2004) How can we help SEN pupils and slower leaners to engage with the MFL Framework?, http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/keystage3/respub/mflframework/about/different_abilities/sen/ Department for Education and Skills (2004) MFL Framework: Including pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities, http://www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/keystage3/respub/mflframework/additional_guidance_inclusion/including_sen_pupils/ Lacey, W. and Wilson, D. 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(2003) ‘Going European at the Priory’, MFL: CILT’s bulletin for secondary language teachers 2, p. 9. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl2.pdf Nichols, R. and Thomas, G. (1991) ‘Pas comme les autres? Teaching French in special schools’, Language Learning Journal 4, pp. 21-23. Nichols, R. and Thomas, G. (1992) ‘The introduction of a foreign language into the special school curriculum’, in Bovair, K., Carpenter, B. and Upton, G. (eds) Special Curricula Needs, London: David Fulton Publishers and National Association for Special Educational Needs, pp. 72-85. O’Grady, C. (2003) ‘A big hit with all the pupils’, TES Teacher October 24, 2003, p. 28. O’Hagan, C. (2004) ‘European awards for languages, MFL 4, pp. 10-11. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl4.pdf Schultz-Steinbach, G. (2002) Englisch in der Förderschule: Anregungen für Englischunterricht im Primar- und Sekundarbereich der Förderschule. Presentation at Kronshagen on 19 September 2002. Scott, M. (2000) ‘SEN and language teaching: Challenges and pleasures’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 12, p. 11. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen12.pdf Spencer, P. (1990) ‘“Vive le français!” at Priory School’, British Journal of Special Education 17(2), pp. 51-52. Stevenson, A. and Scott, K. (1991) ‘Introducing a modern foreign language’, in Gelé, M. and Little J. (eds) Languages for life: special schools’ initiatives in the teaching of modern foreign languages, Norwich: Norfolk Educational Press, pp. 2-8. Tew, C. (2004) ‘Using rhyme, rhythm and rap with pupils with special needs’, Early Language Learning Bulletin 11, p. 5. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/ELLbulletin/ell11.pdf Tew, C. (2004) ‘Rahal au Maroc’, MFL 5, p. 7. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl5.pdf Thomas, G. and Nichols, R. 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Learning Difficulties Coath, A. (2005) An Exploration of the Most Effective Teaching Method for Teaching French to a Focus Group of Children with Learning Difficulties, BA Dissertation, Sheffield Hallam University. Edwards, A. (2002) ‘French Week at Marjory Kinnon MLD School’, MFL 1, p. 10. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl1.pdf Ekkel, T. (2004) ‘All go in Hounslow’, MFL 5, p. 8. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl5.pdf Malecka, M. (1987) ‘Teaching a second language to pupils with moderate learning difficulties’, Support for Learning 2(3), pp. 33‑36. Mayhew, V. (2000) ‘Un, deux, trois. Oh, la la!’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 12, p. 5. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen12.pdf Minger, M.. (2002) ‘Marjory Kinnon’s practice flight à destination de Paris’, MFL 1, p. 10. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl1.pdf Riley, M. (1997) ‘Teaching French in a school for children with moderate learning difficulties’, British Journal of Special Education 24(2), pp. 66-70. Taylor , K. (n.d.) Teaching languages to students with learning difficulties, http://www.cem.dur.ac.uk/ebeuk/research/terse/Taylor.htm Wilson , D. R. (2002) Case Study: Ian — a Foreign Language Learner with Moderate Learning Difficulties, http://www.tomwilson.com/david/Case/MLD.html Ashley, S. (2000) ‘Do they really expect us to teach French?’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 12, p. 2. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen12.pdf Bolay, G. (2003) “Come on, let´s talk about …”: Andere Sprachen und Kulturen an der SfG, http://www.sonderpaed.info/sprache/files/konzeption.pdf Bolay, G. (2003) Hamburger, http://www.sonderpaed.info/sprache/files/Hamburger.pdf Davis, J. (2001) ‘The tackier the better’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 13, p. 7. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen13.pdf Hosking, S. (2001) ‘Pardon Pierre: Teaching French in a school for pupils with severe learning difficulties’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 13, p. 2. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen13.pdf Garner, S. (2001) ‘Introduction of French: Rainbow School, Bedfordshire’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 13, pp. 4-5. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen13.pdf Jarratt, J. (2000) ‘From Brecon to Rouen: The first school trip to France for a group of SLD pupils’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 12, p. 2. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen12.pdf Jarrat, J. (2003) ‘Paris to Penmaes … and Penmaes to Paris’, MFL: CILT’s bulletin for secondary language teachers 2, p. 7. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl2.pdf Kinnane, J. (n.d.) Multi-sensory French, http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/mfl/multisensory.htm Klein, R. (2001) ‘Guten Tag, everybody.’ Times Educational Supplement Curriculum Special: Modern Languages June 15, 2001, p. 14. Meakin, M. (1993) ‘Man spricht SIGNALONG’, The SLD Experience 15. Nixon, A. (2001) ‘Tac-pac tactics!’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 13, p. 2. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen13.pdf Parsons, P. (2000) ‘ Sherwood Park School’, Languages — right here, right now, London: British Council, p. 2. Peter, M. (1994) ‘Providing contexts: drama with pupils with severe learning difficulties’, in McLagan, P. (ed.) Steps to learning: modern languages for pupils with special educational needs, London: Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, pp. 40-48. Priory Woods School (2002) Modern Foreign Language, http://www.priorywoods.middlesbrough.sch.uk/subject/mfl/mfl1top.htm Priory Woods School (2002) Curriculum Policy – MFL, http://www.priorywoods.middlesbrough.sch.uk/subject/mfl/curric-policy-mfl.htm Sanders, R. (1997) ‘Modern languages: an entitlement for all’, The SLD Experience 19, pp. 7-9. The Redway School (n.d.) Modern Foreign Language, http://www.theredway.net/main/curriculum/national_curriculum/body_foreignlanguage.shtml Wilson , D. R. (2001) Case Study: Joanne — a Foreign Language Learner with Severe Learning Difficulties, http://www.tomwilson.com/david/Case/SLD.html Specific learning difficulties Adoniou, M. (n.d.) Reading, Young Learners and Learning Difficulties, http://www.tesolgreece.com/nl/75/7503.html Åhlander, I. (2003) Focus Alfa: an EU project in the Leonardo da Vinci programme, http://www.focusalfa.se/ Anacona, R. (1982) ‘Latin and a dyslexic student: An experience in teaching’, Classical World 76, pp. 33-36. Antell, E. (2003) Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Students With Learning Disabilities, Department of English, University of Helsinki. Online at http://www.eng.helsinki.fi/~mpalande/Emma_Antell/learningdisabilities.htm Arnett, K. (2000) Learning Disabilities and Foreign Language: Overview and Manual. http://www.smcm.edu/aldiv/forlang/pdfdocs/arnett-english.pdf Block, L. (1996) Effective language teaching for students with learning disabilities, paper presented at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. British Dyslexia Association (n.d.) Modern Foreign Languages and Dyslexia: A survivors’ guide to Languages and the National Curriculum, Cusimano, A. (n.d.) Can Teens with Serious Learning Problems Learn a Foreign Language?, http://www.homeschoolingteens.com/ForeignLanguage.html Daal, van V. (1999) Learning to decode in a foreign language, The International Dyslexia Association 50th Anniversary Conference, Chicago, IL. Session tape available, details at http://www.interdys.org/pdf/1999tapes.pdf Dietz, J. (2002) DOSSIER: The Impact of Linguistic Factors on Dyslexia - Implications for Foreign Language Learning, http://www.hemmecke.de/jeannette/material/ImpactofLinguisticFactorsonDyslexia2002.pdf DiFino, S. M. (1988) Teaching a Foreign Language to Learning Disabled Students, Topsham, ME (sponsored by the New England Branch of the Orton Dyslexia Society/Maine Regional Group and Maine Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities). DiFino, S. M. (1988) Foreign Languages and Dyslexia, Brown University, Providence, RI. DiFino, S. M. (1990) Language Acquisition and Dyslexia, Florida Foreign Language Association, Jacksonville, FL. DiFino, S. M. (Forthcoming) ‘Foreign Languages and Students with Learning Disabilities: Identifying L.D. Students in Foreign Language Class and Employing Methodologies to Help Them Succeed’, Foreign Language Annals. ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education (2003) Should students with learning disabilities be exempt from foreign language requirements?, http://ericec.org/faq/ld-forla.html Fitzgerald, A. (1999) ‘Teachers ask: How do I effectively teach students with learning disabilities in the French Immersion classroom?’, Le Lien 12(1), pp. 2-3. http://www.unb.ca/slec/Publications/Septpage2.html Gardiol, S. (1984) ‘The problem of the dyslexic child in a foreign language program’, International Schools Journal 7, pp.68-76. Goldfus, C. (1996) How can foreign language teachers be trained to teach reading comprehension to pupils with specific learning difficulties, with special emphasis on the dyslexic pupil? Masters Dissertation, English Language Institute, University of Surrey. Abstract at http://www.surrey.ac.uk/ELI/goldfusc.html Goldfus, C. (2002) Cognitive Intervention: Reading Comprehension Program for EFL/ESL LD Adolescents, presentation at the International Dyslexia Association 2002 International Conference on Multilingual and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Dyslexia, June 27-29, 2002, Washington, DC. Audiotape or CD available, details at http://www.interdys.org/pdf/audio-order.pdf Gould, E. (2003) Bibliography of Foreign Language Learning for Students with Learning Differences, http://flightline.highline.edu/library100/StudentWorkSpring03/Gould/biblio.doc Griffiths , D. and Hardman, M. (1994) ‘Specific learning difficulties (dyslexia) and modern foreign languages’, Language Learning Journal 10, pp. 84-85. Guron-Miller, L. and Lundberg, I. (2000) ‘Dyslexia and second language reading: A second bite at the apple?’, Reading and Writing 12, pp. 41-61. Herbert, Christie (1998) Bibliography of Work on Teaching Foreign Languages to Students with Learning Disabilities, http://www.nv.cc.va.us/home/nvhodgm/Bib.htm Barnard, J. (2000) ‘From mainstream to EBD: Anyone for meatballs?’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 12, p. 9. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/testcilt/publications/bulletins/mfl/sen12.pdf Wilson , D. R. (2002) Case Study: Michelle — a Foreign Language Learner with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, http://www.tomwilson.com/david/Case/EBD.html Young, Y. F. (2002) Diagnostic instruments and procedures to identify TVES college students with English reading difficulties, Taipei: The Crane Publishing Company. Allen, M. (n.d.) Intervention for Learners of English as a Second Language Activities and Techniques for Second Language Learners with Disordered Speech, http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~wis/www%20work/Presentation.html Sousa, D. A. (2001) ‘Teaching foreign languages to students with language disabilities’, in How the special needs brain learns, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Weiss, D. (1979) ‘Foreign Language Learning and the Stutterer’, Foreign Language Annals 12(3), pp. 191-192. Wilson , D. R. (2002) Case Study: Oliver — a Foreign Language Learner with Speech and Language Difficulties, http://www.tomwilson.com/david/Case/speech.html Newton , M. (1998) ‘Developing communication skills in pupils with autism’, CILT Languages and Special Educational Needs Bulletin 10, pp. 6-7. Reprinted (1999) in Communication W99, pp. 22-23. Smith, N. and Tsimpli, I.-M. (1995) The Mind of a Savant: Language, Learning and Modularity, Oxford: Blackwell. Wilson , D. R. (2002) Case Study: Paul — a Foreign Language Learner with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, http://www.tomwilson.com/david/Case/Autism.html Wire, V. (2002) ‘Research into autism and language learning’, MFL 1, p. 8. Online at http://www.cilt.org.uk/publications/bulletins/MFL/mfl1.pdf Wire, V. (2005) Autism & foreign language learning, http://www.hilarymccoll.co.uk/autismMFL.html Wire, V. (2005) ‘Autistic Spectrum Disorders and learning foreign languages’, Support for Learning (20)3, pp. 123-128. Muños, M. L. (2000) ‘Second language acquisition and children with visual and hearing impairments’, SEE/HEAR Newsletter 5(2). http://www.tsbvi.edu/Outreach/seehear/spring00/secondlanguage.htm Donley, P. R. (2002) ‘Teaching Languages to the Blind and Visually Impaired: Some Suggestions’, Canadian Modern Language Review 59(2), pp. 302-305. Online at http://www.utpjournals.com/product/cmlr/592/592_TCL_Donley.html
*David R. Wilson, B.A. University of Leeds, Grad.Cert.Ed., M.A., M.Ed. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Adv.Dip.Ed. Open University, teaches French, German and learners with special educational needs at Harton Technology College in South Shields. Web: http://www.specialeducationalneeds.com/ In 1996 a project report entitled Appropriateness matters: special educational needs policy-making in a secondary school modern languages department was submitted to the Open University in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Advanced Diploma in Special Needs in Education. Since it first appeared as an appendix to this assignment, the present bibliography has undergone many revisions and expansions. Suggestions for the inclusion of further relevant entries in later editions are welcomed.
Excerpted and reprinted with permission from: © 2006 David R. Wilson, Newcastle upon Tyne The complete bibliography is a work in progress and currently contains over 1400 references. Updated December 28, 2006 |
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