This electronic listserv focuses on early foreign language learning and provides community support and interaction.

Ñandu continues to be an active listserv addressing current topics and issues.

To read archived messages, click here.

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In 2008, one in four elementary schools reported teaching foreign languages.
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Strategies & Methodology

Click here for information on the latest in early language teaching methods.

Materials & Curricula

Discover a wealth of information on foreign language curricula and teaching materials.

Student Assessment

Find information on how to assess students' foreign language skills.

Search a database to find programs in your area.
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Strategies & Methodology

How do I teach foreign languages in the early grades? What are tried-and-true teaching strategies? How do I integrate content in my instruction? How can I use technology? Find relevant resources and suggestions from experienced teachers. Also, look in our Materials and Curricula section.

View Videos of Exemplary Teaching
Learn from experienced language teachers in a variety of settings.

Content-Based Language Teaching
With the implementation of the foreign language standards, interest has grown in how to integrate content and language instruction. Find articles as well as resources here.

Technology in the Classroom
Get ideas on how to integrate technology in your classroom.

Language Study and the Brain
This bilingual (Spanish-English) site provides an overview of recent research about the brain, general recommendations for classroom teaching, and assorted teaching activities.

Additional Resources on Teaching Methods and Strategies
The Center for Applied Linguistics has several online resources guides, including:
Second Language Teaching Methodologies
Self-Directed Language Learning
Teaching Spanish to Spanish Speakers

Updated December 13, 2013