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Resources for Grades 9-12
Curricula and Standards
Classroom Resources
and Instructional Strategies
Culture and Orientation
Professional Development
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of the ERIC Database
Resources for Grades K–12
Curricula and Standards
Classroom Resources
and Instructional Strategies
Culture and Orientation
Professional Development
Sample Search
of the ERIC Database

Curricula and Standards: Grades 9-12


Hood, B. (n.d.). An orientation to life in the United States: A curriculum to help immigrant Latino adolescents and their parents adjust. Unpublished manuscript. Contact Beth Hood, Washington, DC, Public Schools, Bilingual Education Department, Phone: 202-576-8850.

Designed to help reduce the dropout rate for Hispanic newcomer students, ages 14–20, this curriculum provides the academic and social orientation they need to begin their education in the United States. The nine units of the curriculum are written in Spanish and cover topics such as orientation to the school facility, staff, and administration; strategies for achieving success in U.S. schools; setting achievable goals; dealing with culture shock; learning about the community and its laws; and the roles of family members and how they may change after emigration to the United States.


Agor, B. (Ed.). (2000). Integrating the ESL standards into classroom practice: Grades 9–12. Alexandria, VA: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.

This volume is a guide to good practice in using TESOL’s national ESL Standards. It contains six units for Grades 9–12, some of which are designed with a particular grade and proficiency level in mind and others that span grade and proficiency levels. All of the units may be adapted to other levels and contexts and include suggestions for their adaptation.

Faltis, C., & Wolfe, P. (Eds). (1999). So much to say: Adolescents, bilingualism, & ESL in the secondary school. New York: Teachers College Press.

This volume is the first to bring together new research on adolescent learners of English within the secondary school context. Some of the most influential and well-known specialists in the field of language education share their research and knowledge about a wide range of issues in bilingualism and ESL, including curriculum planning and implementation of native language literacy programs, sheltered content teaching, language teaching, demographics, discrimination, and the social realities of culturally diverse classrooms and schools.

Lucas, T. (1997). Into, through, and beyond secondary school: Critical transitions for immigrant youths. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

Secondary school educators need principles and strategies to facilitate the difficult cultural, personal, and educational transitions that permeate the lives of immigrant children. This book outlines four major principles, gleaned from studies of excellent secondary schools and examined in light of current thinking about school reform. Strategies are provided for cultivating organizational and human relationships that will promote immigrant students’ school success, provide access to the information they need, and develop multiple and flexible pathways for them to progress through and beyond secondary school. Highly effective programmatic and organizational resources are included.

Mace-Matluck, B. J., Alexander-Kasparik, R., & Queen, R. M. (1998). Through the golden door: Educational approaches for immigrant adolescents with limited schooling. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

A growing number of recent immigrant students enter middle school and high school with little or no prior formal schooling and with low literacy skills. Often referred to as “late entrant” or “low-literacy” students, they may be three or more years below their age-appropriate grade level in their school-related knowledge and skills. This book provides guidelines for school administrators and teachers with these students in their programs. The authors describe the backgrounds, educational experiences, and needs of five such students (from Haiti, El Salvador, and Vietnam), profile four programs designed to serve them (in Illinois, Texas, and Virginia), and identify the critical features of secondary school programs for these students. Program contacts and resources are provided.

Ruiz-de-Velasco, J. & Fix, M. (2000). Overlooked & underserved: Immigrant students in U.S. secondary schools. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute.

The United States is being transformed by high, continuing levels of immigration. No American institution has felt the effect of these flows more forcefully than the nation’s public schools. And no set of American institutions is arguably more critical to the future success of immigrant integration.

Short, D. J., & Boyson, B. (2000). Directory of secondary newcomer programs in the United States: Revised 2000. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

This directory contains profiles of 115 middle and high school newcomer programs across 196 sites in 29 states and the District of Columbia. These programs serve recent immigrant, secondary school students with little or no English proficiency and often limited formal schooling. Each profile contains information concerning program location, size, and length of enrollment; student demographics; features of instruction and assessment; program staffing; other services offered; and program contacts.

Short, D. J., & Boyson, B. (in press). Creating access: Language and academic programs for secondary school newcomers. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics.

Creating Access provides information for school districts that are planning to establish a newcomer program. This volume includes practical advice and recommendations as well as the results of in-depth case studies of three successful newcomer programs.

Walqui, A. (2000). Access and engagement: Program design and instructional approaches for immigrant students in secondary schools. McHenry, IL and Washington, DC: Delta Systems and Center for Applied Linguistics & Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence.

This book details the challenges faced by immigrant students of secondary school age and the schools they attend. Six immigrant high school students (from Brazil, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Russia, and Vietnam) are profiled, with descriptions of their language and cultural backgrounds, frustrations, and successes. Four programs attempting to develop responsive instructional philosophies and approaches are also discussed.

Digests and Reports

Dropout Intervention and Language Minority Youth

Qualities of Effective Programs for Immigrant Adolescents with Limited Schooling

Secondary Newcomer Programs: Helping Recent Immigrants Prepare for School Success

Online Resources

Academic Achievement for Secondary Language Minority Students: Standards, Measures and Promising Practices

This online report from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition provides teachers and teacher educators insight into how mainstream classroom instruction can be designed and implemented to enhance the academic achievement of language minority students. Standards for the content areas were examined and related to what research indicates is best practice for language minority students.

Secondary Newcomer Programs in the U.S.: Revised 2000

This searchable database includes 115 programs in 29 states and the District of Columbia that participated in the research study, “Newcomers: Language and Academic Programs for Recent Immigrants,” during the 1996-1997, the 1997-98, the 1998-1999, or the 1999-2000 school year.

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Council of Chief State School Officers
One Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20001-1431