This electronic listserv focuses on early foreign language learning and provides community support and interaction.

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In 2009, foreign language instruction in public elementary schools had declined significantly. Read More

Strategies & Methodology

Click here for information on the latest in early language teaching methods.

Materials & Curricula

Discover a wealth of information on foreign language curricula and teaching materials.

Student Assessment

Find information on how to assess students' foreign language skills.

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Foreign Language Learning and Special Needs Children

Should special needs children learn a foreign language? Read about first-hand experiences, as well as what researchers and practitioners have to say about this topic.

Special Education Students
A Spanish teacher discusses her experience with young special needs children. Also, check out her resource section on learning disabilites, special needs education, and world language learning.

Modern Foreign Languages and Special Educational Needs
This bibliography by by David R. Wilson at Harton Technology College, UK, contains well over 500 references. Find a list of selected sources here. In addition, his Web site includes web resources, case studies, and downloadable documents.

The National Centre for Languages (CILT)
This British center has extensive online resources for modern foreign languages and special needs students, including teaching materials and an online discussion forum.

The Special-Needs Student in the Foreign Language Classroom
The May 2003 Newsletter of the National K-12 Foreign Language Resource Center discusses curriculum, policy, and technology issues within the realm of special needs students in the foreign language classroom.

The Foreign Language Teacher's Guide to Learning Disabilities This is a general lists of resources.

Foreign Language Learning and Dyslexia
A site from the UK with many useful links, specifically on dyslexia and foreign language learning, but also children on the autims spectrum, hearing/visual impairments, soeech/language difficulties, or Down syndrom.


June 28, 2009