CAL’s strong collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education continued with a project to create resources assisting teachers in implementing the state’s new 2021 World Language Curriculum Framework. These free resources are aligned with the ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages and reflect the state’s focus on proficiency and equity.
CAL previously supported the updating of the Curriculum Framework from 2019 to 2021. CAL conducted literature reviews, a comparative analysis, a survey, and focus groups to research current best practices in world language education and educators’ needs. CAL then developed Quick Reference Guides to assist educators in implementing the Framework.
Following these projects, CAL’s expertise in materials development was called upon again to create new resources that would assist educators in aligning their instruction with the Framework. CAL first convened a Volunteer Implementation Team of world language educators to advise on the project and develop sample unit plans. Then, CAL created a Curriculum Alignment Guide to support world language educators engaged in curriculum selection, development, and alignment to the new framework. The Curriculum Alignment Guide is accompanied by 14 self-access online learning modules designed by CAL on the organization of the framework and the world language content standards, with a focus on proficiency and equity. These materials are finally supported by 5 synchronous webinars for educators to advance their understanding of the framework and come together to apply that understanding to their courses.
These resources will continue to help educators create excellent education for all world language students for many years to come. They can be found on the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Website at:
To learn more about CAL’s capacities for similar projects, please contact Francesca Di Silvio.
CAL is a non-profit organization founded in 1959. Headquartered in Washington DC, CAL has earned an international reputation for its contributions to the fields of bilingual and dual language education, English as a second language, world languages education, language policy, assessment, immigrant and refugee integration, literacy, dialect studies, and the education of linguistically and culturally diverse adults and children. CAL’s mission is to promote language learning and cultural understanding by serving as a trusted resource for research, services, and policy analysis. Through its work, CAL seeks solutions to issues involving language and culture as they relate to access and equity in education and society around the globe.