Impact Sample Response – Post-secondary
- Foreign Language Assessment Directory
- Understanding Assessment Tutorial
- Heritage Language Assessment Module
- Post-Secondary World Language Assessment Module
- Introduction
- Proficiency
- Placement Testing
- Assessment Plans
- Assessment Plans: The Why
- Assessment Plans: The How
- Aligning Assessment with Instruction
- Performance-based Assessment Tasks
- Designing Performance-based Assessment Tasks
- Scoring Performance-based Assessment Tasks
- Using Integrated Performance Assessments
- Designing Integrated Performance Assessments
- Intercultural Communicative Competence
- Assessing Intercultural Communication
- Assessing Cultures
- Assessment and Program Articulation
- Summary of Best Practices
- Show What You Know!
- Putting It All Together
- Resources
Concerns & considerations:
- Would be very high stakes for students
- Need to consider the consequences for failing
- Need to consider assessment in planning instruction
- Academic freedom and worries about narrowed curriculum
- Could lead to a more proficient pool of applicants for prospective employers
- Could raise the language department’s profile if graduates are nationally recognized as highly proficient
- Might put more stress on instructors to make sure students pass the test
- Using a performance-based speaking test might encourage students to practice speaking skills more